Attention is a skill that everyone can improve upon. With increasing technology and available input to fill our past times, attention tends to become less while the brain seeks more stimulation from videos, games, etc. Although our minds may wander and our attention spans seem short, there are tools and activities that we can use to help increase our engagement in tasks.
Below is a short list of tips that may help with attention:
If your child is experiencing challenges with focus and attention, seeking medical assistance, such as an occupational therapy evaluation can be beneficial to determine the source of the challenges and develop a plan to assist your child in developing strategies to use at home, school and within the community. PMC's occupational therapy team can work one-on-one with a patient to encourage and develop an increased attention span through personal goals and engaging activities.
Thank you to Miss. Lizzie, COTA and member of PMC's pediatric occupational therapy team, for sharing her knowledge of attention and focus in children! Your tips are very helpful!
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4640 Wedgewood Blvd, Suites 101 - 105, Frederick, MD 21703
240-457-9558 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
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1045 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Aquatics at Hagerstown
1105 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax