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Attention: Tips to Improve Focus

March 30, 2022


Attention is a skill that everyone can improve upon.  With increasing technology and available input to fill our past times, attention tends to become less while the brain seeks more stimulation from videos, games, etc.  Although our minds may wander and our attention spans seem short, there are tools and activities that we can use to help increase our engagement in tasks.

Why is Attention important?

  1. Attention is required for school.
  2. Attention is helpful with activities of daily living (ADL's)
  3. Attention is needed to filter out the busy world around us to focus on what is important at that time.

Practical Tips to help with Attention at home or school.

Below is a short list of tips that may help with attention:

  1. Finish one task before moving onto the next.   When your task is finished take the time to clean up what you were working on.  This will give you a sense of accomplishment and you will be ready to move onto something else.   
  2. Try engaging and fun activities.  Try to make boring or long tasks fun!
  3. Complete one task at a time. Break down bigger tasks into smaller steps.  This is called "chunking".  Chunking can be used in school or at home when a child is working on a difficult text/project that results in them becoming overwhelmed.  Chucking involves breaking down the difficult task into more manageable pieces.  This allows the child to pace themselves and focus on smaller pieces to complete the task.

If your child is experiencing challenges with focus and attention, seeking medical assistance, such as an occupational therapy evaluation can be beneficial to determine the source of the challenges and develop a plan to assist your child in developing strategies to use at home, school and within the community.  PMC's occupational therapy team can work one-on-one with a patient to encourage and develop an increased attention span through personal goals and engaging activities.

Thank you to Miss. Lizzie, COTA and member of PMC's pediatric occupational therapy team, for sharing her knowledge of attention and focus in children! Your tips are very helpful!

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