Learning new skills is so exciting, and one of the methods that can help teach your kiddos new skills is called backward chaining.
Backward chaining begins with learning the last step of the novel activity, then slowly, working backwards once each step is mastered.
This method is used often! Activities such as teeth brushing, shoe tying, washing hands, and dressing are popular to use backward chaining to promote independence with self care.
Backward chaining works by slowly sequencing steps and allowing a breakdown in motor planning. This method helps make tricky tasks a bit more manageable while promoting your child’s confidence.
Want to help your child learn how to make a bed, tie their shoe, or zip a zipper? Here is a quick source that breaks down the tasks step-by-step!
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1045 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Aquatics at Hagerstown
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