We are thrilled to share Chayton's success story! Chayton began therapy at PMC in 2018, at twelve years old. Chayton has a genetic disorder that puts him at a high risk for fractures, and past injuries have caused a lot of anxiety about certain movements, including getting up and down from a seated position and walking. Now seventeen, Chayton attends Aquatic Therapy twice a week, and also goes to the Frederick location for Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy once a week.
Aquatic therapy can be used as a modality to physical therapy programs, providing functional-play based skilled intervention to promote strength, body awareness, postural control and increased range of motion. Water also decreases the gravitational force on our bodies to improve the outcome of the interventions. This modality has been perfect for Chayton's specific diagnoses, allowing him the freedom of movement without fear.
In the last two years, Chayton has made incredible progress in the pool. When he first started therapy, he was hesitant to enter the pool. Over time, he began to gain confidence, and is now comfortable roaming around the pool all by himself. In addition to his confidence, he has also made major improvements in strength, mobility and endurance.
“Chayton is now able to get in and out of the pool using only a single handrail, is able to get onto and off of the pool floor with ease, and loves crawling on the floor with his legs kicking behind him. We have also started working on jumping in the deeper water and he is able to jump up to three inches off the floor!” - Meghan Tullos, PTA
On land, Chayton has also made significant progress. His PT sessions at PMC's Frederick clinic focus on increasing walking endurance, playing in a quadruped position, and standing for longer periods of time.
“He is now able to sit on a lower mat which used to make him nervous, and he is working hard at increasing his endurance, including the ability to walk longer distances around the gym without his rollator. He is doing an amazing job at trying tasks that are more challenging and outside of his comfort zone. I’m extremely proud of Chayton and all of his hard work and I can’t wait to see what he is able to accomplish next!” - Bethany Hershberger, PTA
Congratulations, Chayton, the PMC team is so proud of your hard work and dedication!
*Story shared with permission
PMC Frederick
4640 Wedgewood Blvd, Suites 101 - 105, Frederick, MD 21703
240-457-9558 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Hagerstown
1045 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Aquatics at Hagerstown
1105 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax