Coen began Occupational therapy at PMC working with Miss Anna to address decreased strength, handwriting skills, and visual deficits. He made a goal for himself to be able to complete the monkey bars independently. As time went on, Coen was referred to vision therapy where he received glasses to address binocular vision. Once receiving his glasses we saw an improvement in handwriting abilities and hand-eye coordination. Treatment sessions focused on strengthening activities, vestibular input to address PRN response, and visual motor activities. Coen now works with Miss Lizzie where he continues to show great improvements in his skills and will soon be discharged.
Coen is now able to independently complete the monkey bars multiple times throughout his sessions along with the rock wall showing little signs of fatigue.
Keep up the great work Coen!
*Posted with permission
PMC Frederick
4640 Wedgewood Blvd, Suites 101 - 105, Frederick, MD 21703
240-457-9558 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Hagerstown
1045 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Aquatics at Hagerstown
1105 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax