OLD-Community Resources

Community Resources

Our resource guide is meant to be used as a local resource for individuals and families to learn about community resources such as special education resources, mental health resources, funding and grant resources, caregiver resources, and state health insurance resources. If there is a local resource that is not listed below, please email us at team@pmchag.com.


Apples for Children

Offers a computerized listing of all regulated forms of child care (licensed family child-care providers, licensed center-based and school-age programs, certified camp programs, certified nursery schools, kindergartens, and Head Start programs).

Group Details: Facilitated by the Alliance for Parent, Provider, and Local Employer Solutions, website: www.applesforchildren.org, contact


Birth Injury Center

The birth Injury Center provides assistance to anyone who has been affected by a birth injury. They offer resources to assist the injured and their families. More information can be found online at: www.birthinjurycenter.org

Sargent Shriver Head Start Center

This Federally funded program offers comprehensive child development and family support services to income-eligible families. Preventative health and nutrition services are included. Children with disabilities are welcome. Part-day and full-day programming available.

Group Details: website: http://headstartwashco.org, contact: 301-733-4640


Equipped for Life

Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics Inc.

National Mobility & Seating

Variety Children's Charity

Potomac Case Management

Cornerstone Physical Therapy

Bester Community of Hope


Orthotic Solutions


Tri-State Civitan Club (Chesapeake District)


Variety Children's Charity


Variety of the National Capital Region (DC)


The Angel Fund


HealthWell Foundation


Just In Power Kids




Washington County Public Schools Special Education

Specifically designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. Additionally, once Special Education is determined, related services may also be implemented based on student need.

Group Details: Facilitated by Washington County Public Schools, website: http://wcpsmd.com/special-education


Infants and Toddlers Program

Washington County Public School’s Infants and Toddlers Program is a countywide system of coordinated, interagency and multidisciplinary early intervention services for children ages birth to five who are suspected of having a disability.

Group Details: Facilitated by Washington County Public Schools, website: https://wcpsmd.com/documents/maryland-infants-toddlers-program

Frederick County Public Schools Special Education Parent Resources

Frederick County Public schools are dedicated to making your child's academic goals a success. FCPS offers several resources to help navigate you through your child's specific needs and supporting you along the journey.

Group Details: website: https://www.fcps.org/special-education/special-education-parent-resources

Frederick County Public Schools Family Support Services-Partners for Success

Partners for success is a program offered through the Frederick County Public School System for children ages 3-21 with special education needs. This program allows teachers and the parent/guardian to function as a team to ensure the child is getting the assistance they need in school be successful.

Group Details: website: https://www.fcps.org/special-education/partners-for-success

Parent Resource Center

A place for parents to access resources, support groups, training opportunities, and services their child may need.

Group Details: website: https://parentresourcecenter.org/

Disability Rights Maryland

May represent Maryland residents who have a disability & a legal issue.

Group Details: website: https://www.disabilityrightsmd.org, contact 410-727-6352


Special Education Law and Advocacy books and articles.

Group Details: website: https://www.wrightslaw.com

Maryland Learning Links

Special Education articles, resources, & webinars.

Group Details: website: https://elevates.marylandpublicschools.org


Monocacy Center

Group Details: https://monocacycenter.com/, contact 240-651-5280

Pathfinders for Autism

Group Details: website: https://www.pathfindersforautism.org, contact 443-330-5341 or 443-330-5370

Project Lifesaver

Provides electronic tracking devices & instruction for persons in need.

Group Details: website: http://www.mihi.org/project-lifesaver/, contact 301-745-6444


Assistance to individuals with disabilities to increase quality of life.

Group Details: website: http://www.mihi.org/, contact 301-745-6444

Achieving True Self (In-home ABA Therapy)

Group Details: website: http://achievingtrueself.com, contact 1-866-287-2036

Mission Autism Clinic

Group Details: www.missionautismclinics.com, contact 301-337-8833 | Flyer


Monocacy Center

Group Details: https://monocacycenter.com/, contact 240-651-5280

Advanced Practice Psychiatric Solutions

Group Details: https://www.appsmentalhealth.com/, contact 240-970-7300

Maryland Coalition of Families for Children's Mental Health

If you are caring for a child with a mental health, behavioral or education issue, a developmental disability or involvement with the juvenile justice system, you may need Family Navigator services. Any parent or caregiver can call a Family Navigator to request assistance for their child, age 0-21 years, with special needs.

Group Details: website: http://www.mdcoalition.org, contact: 410-730-8267 or Youth Crisis Hotline 1-888-607-3637


Brooklane Health Services, Inc.

Offers outpatient and short-term inpatient hospitalization services, substance abuse treatment, and a variety of other services for children, adolescents, and adults.

Group Details: website: www.brooklane.org, contact: 301-733-0330


Change Health Systems

Services include: outpatient mental health clinic, psychiatric rehabilitation program, therapeutic behavioral services, autism waiver services, special education services and respite services.

Group Details: website: www.change-health.com, contact: 240-420-1850


The Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, Inc.

Providing outpatient treatment for children, teens, and adults, rehabilitation services, after-school programs, mobil treatment, school based treatment, medication evaluation and follow-up, monitoring, and community education.

Group Details: website: www.thementalhealthcenter.net, contact: 301-791-3045


Villa Maria of Washington County

Catholic Charities provides outpatient services in Washington County. These services include individual and family therapy as well as medication management, In addition, all sites provide child and adolescent psychiatric rehabilitation services in conjunction with outpatient services.

Group Details: www.catholiccharities-md.org, contact: 301-733-5858


QCI Behavioral Health

Provides mental health outpatient and mobile treatment services to children, adolescents and adults with medical assistance only.

Group Details: website: https://www.qcihealth.com/, contact: 301-791-2660



Potomac Case Management

Office provides services to families through our Mental Health Care Coordination (MHCC) serving children 5 – 18 years of age, including transportation. Potomac Case Management also provide services to adults through our Targeted Case Management (TCM) serving adults 18 and older.

Group Details: website: https://www.pcmsinc.org, contact 301-791-3087


Family Caregiver/Grandparent Support Groups

Support groups meet the first Tuesday of every month from 10:00am-12:00pm and provide support to caregivers caring for seniors 60 and older or grandparents and other relative caregivers over the age of 60 who are caring for a child age 18 or under.

Group Details: Facilitated by Washington County Commission on Aging, website: wccoaging.org, contact 301-790-0275 ext. 205


Cerebral Palsy Resource Guide

Cerebral Palsy Guide is a national support organization dedicated to educating individuals and families about Cerebral Palsy. They strive to provide answers and guidance to ensure that families receive the assistance that they need to help improve their overall quality of life.

Group Details: Information at https://www.cerebralpalsyguide.com

Parenting Classes

An eight week parenting course every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00pm with open and free enrollment

Group Details: Facilitated by the Parent Child Center, website:  https://allegany.md.networkofcare.org/mh/services/index.aspx, contact 301-791-2224


Family Support Center

Assists parents of children and young adults with special needs. Is a resource between family, school and community and offers a full range of support for families of children with special needs, from birth to 21 years.

Group Details: Facilitated by the Washington County Public Schools, website: https://wcpsmd.com/student-services, contact 301-766-8221


The Dad's Connection

Offers Fathers 101 group, individual and group counseling, job readiness and other case management services to men in the fathering role

Group Details: Facilitated at the Washington County Family Center, contact 301-790-4005


The Family Tree

The toll-free stress line provides confidential information, referrals and support for parents and other individuals in care giving roles, professionals, community members, children, adolescents, families, educators, and more. Available to families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is Maryland’s leading child abuse prevention organization.

Group Details: Facilitated by the Parenting Help Line, website: https://www.familytreemd.org/, contact: 1-800-243-7337


Parent's Place of Maryland

A statewide parent-directed free resource for families of children and young adults with all disabilities.  Provides information on laws, resources, family rights, and the school system.

Group Details: Website: www.ppmd.org, contact: 1-800-394-5694 or 410-768-9100


Maryland Community Services Locator

A statewide interactive online director developed to assist in locating community resources. It allows users to get organizational contact information, map resources by location and instant directions

Group Details: website: https://www.servicecoord.org/sps-state-and-community-resources/


Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

A national healthcare insurance program.

Group Details: website: https://marylandhealthcoverage.org/


ADA Guidlines

Group Details: website: https://www.ada.gov/resources/disability-rights-guide/#americans-with-disabilities-act-ada

Assistive Technology

Group Details: website: https://mn.gov/admin/at/getting-started/understanding-at/types/

Ableism Description

Group details: website: https://cdrnys.org/blog/uncategorized/ableism/ 

School Accommodation Resources

  • MD Special Education Guidelines (IEP, IDEA)

Group Details: website: https://mdod.maryland.gov/education/Pages/Special-Education-Servcies.aspx

  • 504

Group Details: website: https://mdod.maryland.gov/education/Pages/Section-504-Plans.aspx 

  • Accommodations in school for children with disabilities: 

Group Details : website: http://ce.msde.state.md.us/


Arc of Wash County

Group Details: website: https://www.arcwc-md.org/services/

Washington County Disability Resources Dictionary

Group Details: website: https://www.washco-md.net/disability-resource-guide/#care


Maryland 211

Health & Human Service Resources

Group Details: website: https://211md.org, contact 2-1-1

Maryland School for the Blind

Group Details: website: https://marylandschoolfortheblind.org, contact 1-410-444-5000

Maryland School for the Deaf

Group Details: website: https://www.msd.edu, contact Frederick Campus 301-360-2000

Maryland Relay Service for Deaf & Hard of Hearing

Contact 1-800-552-7724 or 410-767-6960 (Voice/TTY) or Dial 711

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