PMC's feeding clinic offers multidiscipline interventions catered to your child's specific needs. Our team utilizes the SOS feeding approach to create an eating routine that reinforces developmentally appropriate, healthy eating patterns. Expect social modeling, positive reinforcement, manageable food, and developmentally appropriate skill development. PMC's feeding program.
What is Feeding Therapy?
Feeding therapy helps teach a child how to eat or eat better. Feeding therapy typically occurs once or twice a week with intensive options available when medically appropriate. Dependent on your child’s underlying issues, speech and/or occupational therapy would be recommended dependent upon whether the underlying issue is sensory, oral motor, or a combination of both.
PMC Frederick
4640 Wedgewood Blvd, Suites 101 - 105, Frederick, MD 21703
240-457-9558 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Hagerstown
1045 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax
PMC Aquatics at Hagerstown
1105 Maryland Ave, Hagerstown, MD 21740
301-739-5437 tel | 301-739-7453 fax